International Boulevard

a documentary on domestic child sex trafficking

Around the world today women and girls are experiencing modern day slavery. Girls as young as 8 years old, and younger, are being trafficked into the sex trade industry. Here in the U.S., between 300,000 and 400,000 children are at risk every day.

We created this documentary with the immense help of our community leaders to raise the much needed awareness around child sex trafficking. In California, and the Bay Area especially, we have some of the highest rates of sex trafficking in the country. We wanted to understand how this all happens. We ventured to International Boulevard, right in our backyard, to uncover the truth behind the commercial sexual exploitation of children throughout our city, and more importantly; the world.

Informative and insightful. Makes you think deeper into the issue of sex trafficking.
— Muhammad Yunus, Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank.

This is a good film. I like how your brought the message home to America. This can be really good journalistic piece that I can imagine watching on national TV. Bravo.
— Zainab Salbi, humanitarian, media host, author, and founder and former CEO of Washington-based Women for Women International.

Human Trafficking Billboard Campaign 

This billboard campaign is an initiative of the Alameda County District Attorney's H.E.A.T. Watch Program, under the leadership of District Attorney Nancy E. O'Malley, and with support by the Oakland Youth Commission with then chair Rebecca Dharmapalan. 

We launched the original billboard campaign in January 2014 in recognition of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. This campaign promotes local resources for victims of child sex trafficking and educates the public about ways they can help exploited youth.

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